Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We won't back down.....

We did not approve the messages calling us vulgar names and the like. Evidently, we are doing our job, because some are upset that the truth is being exposed (kind of like Jinker's privates when he urinates in peoples yards.)

The fact remains, there are witnesses, and if it was to ever go to court, that, and more would be exposed.

People are upset, because they "don't want to rock the boat".

Michael Meissner tried to accuse Maggie Walker of absolutely absurd things, but considering he is the subject of on-going investigations himself, as reported in the media, then I don't think he is the poster child for saying squat. He should know what it is like to be being investigated- he has been investigated enough times to know!

Meissner also accuses of Maggie Walker of leaking information from City Hall, and even tries to allege that she may have something to do with this blog, from the way he talked last Friday.

We never have met Maggie Walker, and wouldn't know what she looked like if she walked in front of us.

Guess this whole 'blog" thing upset an apple cart or two, and like the Titantic, the situation, and for those who are engaged in things they shouldn't be, its like a sinking ship- anyone on board will drown. The torpedos have been fired, and the ship is sinking. Maybe the best thing to do would be "ABANDONING SHIP". You know what you all have done, and should probably heed the warning you have been given.

Whats next, only time will tell!

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