Monday, July 23, 2007

Bardwell & It's Ex-Chief In The News- Has An Arrest Record As Long As Jenker's!

Was googlin' Bardwell the other day, and ran across an old employee of ours. None other than Michael Meissner.

Got this rather interesting link about Mr. Ex Chief, turn arrestee Meissner. Looks like he pulled a Bardwell stunt or two on the wrong people.>

It talks alot about what all Meissner has done in his career, including right here in Bardwell. Wonder what else there is to find out on this guy? Wow, what else is new. Mayor been in jail, former police chief been in jail. Whats next?

Meissner was Chief here until 2005. Intimidation don't seem to work too well anymore, now does it?

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