The Spelling of Jinker's name
Sorry to have mis-spelled Jinker's nick name- We had it as Jenker, not Jinker. We will correct that for everyone who moaned and complained.
Exposing Bardwell, Texas city officials, issues and the corruption within. Be warned, this is "as we see it from the not-so-cheap seats", and may offend some viewers with our "to the point" approach. We don't sugarcoat anything here.
Sorry to have mis-spelled Jinker's nick name- We had it as Jenker, not Jinker. We will correct that for everyone who moaned and complained.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
9:40 AM
We did not approve the messages calling us vulgar names and the like. Evidently, we are doing our job, because some are upset that the truth is being exposed (kind of like Jinker's privates when he urinates in peoples yards.)
The fact remains, there are witnesses, and if it was to ever go to court, that, and more would be exposed.
People are upset, because they "don't want to rock the boat".
Michael Meissner tried to accuse Maggie Walker of absolutely absurd things, but considering he is the subject of on-going investigations himself, as reported in the media, then I don't think he is the poster child for saying squat. He should know what it is like to be being investigated- he has been investigated enough times to know!
Meissner also accuses of Maggie Walker of leaking information from City Hall, and even tries to allege that she may have something to do with this blog, from the way he talked last Friday.
We never have met Maggie Walker, and wouldn't know what she looked like if she walked in front of us.
Guess this whole 'blog" thing upset an apple cart or two, and like the Titantic, the situation, and for those who are engaged in things they shouldn't be, its like a sinking ship- anyone on board will drown. The torpedos have been fired, and the ship is sinking. Maybe the best thing to do would be "ABANDONING SHIP". You know what you all have done, and should probably heed the warning you have been given.
Whats next, only time will tell!
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
9:30 AM
Wow, yet another lie from Michael Meissner has been revealed on "The Ellis County Observer" site.
This is a comment on their site:
Funny again, Michael Meissner said how “anyone could find him” at 500 MAPLE, DALLAS, TEXAS.
Go here and search and you will see that it is bogus, just like Meissner’s degree in Criminal Justice Management from that Diploma Mill, LaSalle University
Just like the offense reports on Maggie Walker.
Way to lie on radio there, Mike.
By Ex Ellis County Cop on Jul 28, 2007
NOW, isn't that lovely, Mr. Ex Chief, 3 time arrestee on 5 charges, and EX-COP (and probaly won't be a cop again anytime soon, either). Your career and reputation is just as bogus as the fake degree you hold. You tried to show everyone up and spill the dirt on people. You were caught in numerous lies.....
Shows how honest you are now, doesn't it. Guess the wasn't too far off regarding your character now, was it? He lied to everyone of the listeners about where he lived. Don't guess he thought ahead *(he usually don't)*, before opening that big mouth.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
6:37 PM
Well guys and gals, here are a couple of comments regarding last night's show on the air. The fact is, Michael Meissner has been trying to learn our identity for some time. He has asked for assistance in locating the publishers of the blog, and identifying them.
Michael Meissner was on the radio, and absoultely bald-face lied regarding some of the questions he was asked.
First off, Meissner accuses Councilwoman Maggie Walker of leaking information out of city hall, and it ending up on the blog. This can't be proven, period, because it didn't happen. In fact, we have never spoken to Maggie Walker at all, much less about this blog. Michael, could you say defamation of character #1? It isn't enough that you brag about threatning her, AFTER being let go as Police Chief, you have to come on the air with those "3 offense reports". Lets see, did you do those at KINKOS? After all, you have been videotaped being there, sending threatning emails under the alias Robert Delarosa (*from Youtube*, is how we got that info...)
What about #2 & 3,
It is quite ashame that Michael Meissner resorted to accusing Ms. Walker, AND a former Republican Party Chairman of being involved in the manufacturing and delivery of a controlled substance. This may, very well, end Mr. Meissner up in court, as well as for lying regarding the inventory of the evidence room, and trying to state the last person that saw the evidence room was Officer Brent Rice. Meissner is on tape, and his own lies are contradicting himself.
Wow, he hasn't talked to anyone at the City, yet he knows the City Secretary was at work today---- he hasn't talked to Jinker, the Chief or Shannon Spurgeon-- but he knows who was at work on Friday... Kind of odd, don't you think.
After all, on Thursday, when asked to speak with Brenda (the city Secretary), Shannon stated she didn't work there anymore.....and hung up the phone.
Regarding Michael Meissner's untruthfulness:
We have located several witnesses, which place Michael Meissner, another individual, and Mayor Gentry at the same location, and according to this individual, Mayor Jinker was extremely intoxicated, asking him/her to take him out to eat, or for Meissner to do so, because he was so drunk.
We have also located several witnesses who have seen the 10 year old boy driving Jinker's truck.
We have located several witnesses who will attest to the entire contents of this blog in a court of law, including of that regarding Shannon Spurgeon and Michael Spurgeon.
We know of a witness who saw marijuana taken of a suspect in a gallon bag. Meissner doesnt remember this, evidently. Probably because it isn't in evidence, just like what happend in Caney City. (Funny, 2 towns, files and stuff go missing).
Meissner also states the files were given to Maggie Walker, yet he admits on tape the file room is EMPTY, again just like Caney City. If you don't believe us, stroll over to Look where all files and stuff has disappeared.
Did you know that he has been reprimanded several times by TCLEOSE for failing to report his arrest, and been fired and arrested for having a fake degree??
If Jinker, Shannon and Michael Spurgeon wanted, they could have called in last night- but no, a career arestee and FORMER law enforcement officer had to call in and voice his opinion. Unlike Michael Meissner, we actually live here, and won't stand for it. We chose not to go on because of Meissner's involvement with this situation. We were informed several days ago that Meissner would be going on the Observer show, along with possibly PW Gentry. Based on Meissner's FELONY arrest history for tampering with a witness, and the discovery of his boasting and bragging about threatning a city councilmember to get a government document altered, we felt as though it was in our best interest to not identify ourselves at this time. THe time will come when we are identified, but this is not the time. Meissner, so elagantly stated that we had more people to worry about in Bardwell, than him. It sounded like a thinly veiled threat to us.
As for your information, there was an officer in Bardwell, Texas who made those tapes that were discussed last night. He was a party to the conversation. By law, only 1 person in the conversation has to know they are recording (IE- the person making the tape- as long as they are part of the conversation), as was the case here.
Thank you Michael for contradicting your own statements. It will be revealed in short order.
Here are a couple of posts (excuse the language) from anonymous posters. Michael Meissner has basically lost his career for his background. We believe him like we believe cows fly. We have the proof, what does he have? Nothing. He doesn't even live here. What is his concern? Probably the fact that Mayor P.W. Gentry has knowledge of something he has done (IE shooting the dogs, or some other activity).
Isn't it funny, a dog gets ran over by an 18 wheeler (presumably on a highway, runs 4 blocks into a residential neighborhood- with a leg that is dangling, a crushed hip, and they shoot it because they can't catch it, and it is trying to bite people?) HELLO, a dog isnt going to make it in the middle of town with those injuries!
Good job, Michael- you said your peace, but we will see whose peace can stand up to the test of a court of law? Our money is on the TRUTH, which is obviously something you don't even know.
Here are 2 anonymous posts, attacking us. Wonder where these came from?
Wow, one of them referring to "turning the other cheek", the other the Bible (they put it lowercase), cussin' like the dickens while talking about how we should read the Bible. Kinda hypocritical, dontcha think.
Here are the 2 posts:
A husband and wife team, WOW! Who would have thoug... A husband and wife team, WOW! Who would have thought it? You two claim to be telling facts but you are villains and falsely slandering others with your time. Dang, I hope you two don't have children. You make horrible examples as human beings. Haven't you ever heard of turn the other cheek? What about let by-gones be by-gones? If someone has done their time, then they deserve a second chance and you assholes make it seem like the stuff you report is accurate. No, it isn't cuz stuff in this report is wrong, wrong, wrong! Get charges and facts on people correct. Don't just make shit up because you have freedom of speech. You are screwing around with someone's life here!
Publish Reject (Anonymous) 9:15 PM
You are supposed to be telling facts not attacking... You are supposed to be telling facts not attacking people here. Mr. an Mrs. Intruder you are nasty assholes and ruining the lives of many people and for what? Nothing but personal gain. You two are evil vindictive people and should read the bible! You might learn something. You know false witness and all. Since the two of you don't even live in Bardwell, why don't you own your actions and reveal yourselfs. I guess you are just too chicken shit for that.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
1:27 AM
Tonight, we learned Michael Meissner, former Chief of Police was in the Ellis County Observer radio show.
He voiced his opinions about the blog, and how he thinks that Jenker, Shannon Spurgeon and Michael Spurgeon are getting a bad rap.
In addition, he said some rather unsubstantiated things directed at Maggie Walker, Bardwell City Councilmember. It sounded as though he was retaliating against Ms. Walker, who has absolutely nothing to do with this blog.
He also said things on the air, which contradict his own prior statements, even those on tape, including the inventory of the evidence room. He tried to state that Officer Brent Rice was the last to do an inventory, when the tape states that he and Mayor Gentry went in 3 days later.
Meissner seemed to defend the 3 people who the majority of the posts are about.
We used an intermediary tonight after learning Meissner was on. This was nothing more in an attempt to locate the publishers of the blog. In fact, Meissner has asked certain persons to locate the publisher of the blog, and identify them. Just what is his interest? This was PRIOR to the postings about him.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
8:48 PM
At this time, we are unable to confirm that the City Secretary, Brenda, has resigned.
City Clerk Shannon Spurgeon has told individuals calling City Hall that Brenda no longer works for the city. We do not know if she has resigned, if she has been terminated, or if Ms. Spurgeon is giving out incorrect information.
No one really seems to know what is going on in City Hall at this time....
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
3:34 PM
We are still in the process of getting the tapes put on the internet of Former Chief Michael Meissner discussing Bardwell.
The missing files and evidence are discussed on this tape, which mentions Mayor Gentry and Meissner working in the evidence room, to where Maggie Walker wouldn't find out about it, and how you don't put all your cards out on the table at one time....
Stay tuned for the tape.....
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
10:23 AM
The Publishers of the Bardwell Intruder are calling for the immediate resignations of Mayor Prentice (P.W.) "Jenker" Gentry, City Clerk Shannon Spurgeon, and Police Chief Michael Spurgeon.
In the event that these officials do not resign, we call upon Councilman Alvie Hollingsworth and Councilwoman Maggie Walker to immediately terminate City Clerk Shannon Spurgeon and Chief of Police Michael Spurgeon.
Our basis is as follows:
Mayor Prentice W. Gentry (Jenker) has abused his position of power, conducting an illegal hiring of City Clerk Shannon Spurgeon. Mayor Gentry has been convicted on multiple offenses involving alcohol, and has been witnessed urinating, in public in citizens yards. Mayor Gentry also has been arrested and convicted on charges involing public intoxication, driving while intoxicated, and for unlawfully carrying a weapon, specifically a firearm. Mayor Gentry has a known and registered Sex Offender, whom is convicted of Indecency W/ A Child and Aggravated Sexual Assault. associating with the Mayor at his shop. This is the same shop where children are often at, including the 10 year old Jenker allows to operate a motor vehicle on a public street, without a drivers license.
City Clerk Shannon Spurgeon is not bonded as required by law. She was hired illegally, without the vote of the City Council. She handles money, and is not able to be bonded, and in fact, has been rejected by TWO bonding companies for the issuance of a bond. In addition, City Clerk Spurgeon has been using city equipment, specifically the city computer and internet to access the Bardwell Intruder and Ellis County Observer blogs.
Chief of Police Michael Spurgeon has ignored violations of the law, to include the public drunkedness of Mayor P.W. Gentry. Chief Spurgeon's brother, a former Bardwell Officer has told other officers and chiefs that Chief Spurgeon has said that he can not arrest Mayor Gentry for anything, or he would loose his job. Chief Spurgeon's brother stated that this was said by Michael. It is a well known fact that Mayor Gentry is allowing a 10 year old minor child, whom he is not the legal guardian of, operate a motor vehicle. Chief Spurgeon has been accessing the Bardwell Intruder blog and Ellis County Observer blogs on a city computer, and using the computer for personal use In addition, Chief Spurgeon would come from Irving, Texas- and pick up the police car, and drove to Ennis on personal business, specifically meeting with his now wife, before they were married when she worked at an Ennis nursing home. Shannon Spurgeon has been seen driving the patrol car on numerous occasions, even though she is not a police officer.
All three have brought discredit to this City, and this City Council, including while violating state law in some way.
We are calling for the immediate resignations of all three members of our government, and if they refuse to resign, the immediate termination of City Clerk Spurgeon and Chief Michael Spurgeon.
We are calling for the immedaite resignation of Mayor Gentry. In the event he refuses to resign, we are calling for a petition to be filed with the District Court outlining his incompetincies, his public drunkedness, criminal history, and arrest history.
We believe it is better to resign, instead of being forcefully removed from office, as is an option. We stand behind City Councilmembers Walker and Hollingsworth, and call on them to initate the actions needed to resolve this issue. It is better for this to occur now, rather than to be exposed by the media at a later time, or charged with criminal offenses and removed from office.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
11:00 PM
New tapes are coming soon which may incriminate current and or former Bardwell officials in public corruption.
We are working on streaming these tapes for upload to the internet.
We are releasing them in light of today's resignation of the City Secretary.
The tapes are of former Chief of Police Michael Meissner discussing Mayor P.W. Gentry and other issues involving the City of Bardwell.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
4:40 PM
According to the "Ellis County Observer" the City Secretary (the only one who was bonded, by the way...) has resigned. This is being reported on the ECO website.
Bardwell City Secretary Resigns- The Ellis County Observer
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
4:31 PM
This is from "American Police Beat's May 2007 Edition". It was emailed to us last night, along with the copy of the tape you are now able to hear online. This blog is not turning into a "Meissner" blog, but is reporting some of what has occurred right here in Bardwell. Meissner and Jenker just happen to be linked.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
1:40 PM
A new tape has been uncovered which shows that Former Chief of Police Michael Meissner used intimidation, private investigators, and strong-arm tactics against Bardwell City Councilmember Maggie Walker in 2005 to secure a letter of recommendation and a new termination form filed with TCLOSE by the City of Bardwell. The link to the tape is below.
Meissner, in his own words brags about hiring Private Investigators to look into Maggie Walker's past, all the way to her high school days, and other things. He admits to threatning Ms. Walker, using strong arm tactics and more to get a governmental record altered. He then brags about how he got numerous commendations after this. He talks about PI's photographing Ms. Walker's house, and how "she didn't know what to think". Now we bet Meissner don't know what to think, either!
The Intruder was emailed a copy of the tape last night.
Meissner also talks about how he put a letter for Jenker to sign in Jenker's truck, and how Jenker found it in all of the beer cans in his floor board.... (Not on segment below)....But will be added soon.
This reveals that Meissner has potenitally intimidated city officials into submitting to his demands. Meissner also admits on tape that Jenker's pickup was full of beer cans. This is Meissner's own words. It was recorded by a former Bardwell Officer some time ago, and sent to the Intruder last night.
UPDATE-- Audio File Is Being Posted Online. WARNING- Language is vulgar, and viewer discretion is advised, contains graphic language. File size is large. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN- FILE IS OVER 10 MEGS. High speed internet suggested. You can also drag your mouse over the CLICK HERE TO LISTEN- and right click, then click SAVE AS, and save it in a location on your computer to replay it if you don't want to listen online.
We emailed's staff and asked them to host the wave file, as one can't be put here on the blog. They graciously put it on their website for us to use and allow you, our viewers to hear.
MORE ON THIS-- WONDER WHAT ELSE WE HAVE ON TAPE THERE???? You can bet there is more where this came from.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
7:44 AM
Well guys and gals, looks like Jenker has been putting his teaching certificate to good use. Seems as though he is letting a 10 year old boy from here in town drive his pickup on city streets around town!
Wonder what is up with that?
A 10 year-old boy driving the mayor around town... Isn't that illegal????
Wonder if the 10 year old is Jenker's designated driver, or if it is Driver's Ed Jenker Style!
Can we say ILLEGAL here? (And don't think you can get away with saying it ain't true Jenker, everyone has seen it).
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
6:52 PM
A new topic was posted yesterday on the Ellis County Observer website at Ellis County Observer- Bardwell Intruder.
We are no part of the Observer, nor edited or controlled by the ECO in anyway, however, they are free to post or cross post any items they choose, discuss the blog on their radio program, or the like.
Interestingly enough, there is a comment regarding the Intruder on their website from another viewer. Go to the link above to read what is being said abou the Intruder over there.....
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
3:59 PM
We have been asked to be on the Ellis County Observer Radio program this week, discussing the "Bardwell Intruder".
For those who think that this blog has been nothing more than "rumors and induendo", the truth is being told here. The problem is, it is upsetting Mayor P.W. "Jenker" Gentry. Truth hurts, now doesn't it. He doesn't like the blog. We know it. But you can't do squat about the truth. Intimidation and bullying doesn't work, either. All that will do is land a person in trouble (and the Lord knows that both Jenker and Meissner have seen a jail cell more than once).
We have uncovered all kinds of stuff on this Administration, and even located a site on his former Chief of Police, and have reported it here on the blog for the entire town and the rest of the world to see. It's not fiction, but "just the facts".
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
11:25 AM
Was googlin' Bardwell the other day, and ran across an old employee of ours. None other than Michael Meissner.
Got this rather interesting link about Mr. Ex Chief, turn arrestee Meissner. Looks like he pulled a Bardwell stunt or two on the wrong people.>
It talks alot about what all Meissner has done in his career, including right here in Bardwell. Wonder what else there is to find out on this guy? Wow, what else is new. Mayor been in jail, former police chief been in jail. Whats next?
Meissner was Chief here until 2005. Intimidation don't seem to work too well anymore, now does it?
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
1:01 PM
Wow, a drunk for a mayor,who just happens to be a convicted criminal *several convictions*, multiple arrests, pulls his private part out and urinates in public, and who has a TEACHER CERTIFICATION. What is his behavior teaching our kids? How to act like Jenker is something you probably didn't learn in a classroom...but come on down to Bardwell, we got all your educational needs covered. A convicted drunk, weapons violator, and a man who exposes his genitals in public while urinating. Looks just like someone who should have a teaching certificate to me. Just what kind of an example is he? Thought teachers were supposed to be good role models.
This image is from the State Board of Educator Certification's website:
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
10:21 PM
Just to let everyone (including Jenker) know, this site contains "Just the facts". There have been witnesses to all of the events on the blog.... We just exposed them for the rest of the city to see.
We keep getting posts from an Anonymous source regarding "Shannon's Reputation". It didnt say what kind of reputation she had now, did it?
Posting the facts is a First Ammendment right, called Freedom Of Speech.
Attempting to supress the rights of others by use of an official office is Official Oppression and a violation of 42 USC 1983, Deprivation of Rights under color of law.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
1:06 PM
You know, about a year and half ago, Mayor Jenker decided to relieve himself in a local resident's yard, with her standing outside watching this. Jenker decided it was time to "take a whiz", right in front of the poor ol' lady (dont'cha know that was a site to see). If you ride around town, you might find a can labeled "Jenker's Piss Can" in a yard because he decided it was time to urinate in this ladies yard, like a waterfall, with- her standing right there watching. She put out a can and labeled it for Jenker for everyone to know.
There have been other citizens who have witnessed him urinating late at night, while one of many nightly drives, on the side of a city street, right in front of a citizen's house. Seems the citizen got to watch him "takin care of business", and we dont mean city business, that is... See, Jenker's public behavior is just down right vulgar, and unbecoming of a public official. I mean, who wants see a 70 something year old man pissing in public?
Jenker, it's called "a private part" for a reason. Please do us all a favor and keep your private parts private. We don't want you polluting our ground water supply with raw urine. That's what sewers are for, and for it to get in the sewer, you gotta "do your business" in a restroom by means of using a toilet, not pissing on city right-of-ways and in citizens yards.
Posted by
Wyatt Earp / Deputy Dog
1:14 AM
This is from PUBLICDATA.COM, regarding Mayor P.W. Gentry's Criminal History!
Person ID No. 6428467 | Gender MALE | Race WHITE | Ethnicity NON-HISPANIC |
Height 511 | Weight (lbs.) 156 | Eye Color BROWN | Hair Color Brown |
Name Entry ID No. 15336245 | Full Name GENTRY,P W | Last Name GENTRY | First Name P W |
Type Code Supplemental Value |
Name Entry ID No. 15336246 | Full Name GENTRY,PRENTICE W | Last Name GENTRY | First Name PRENTICE W |
Type Code Supplemental Value |
Name Entry ID No. 15336247 | Full Name GENTRY,PRENTICE WAYNE | Last Name GENTRY | First Name PRENTICE WAYNE |
Type Code Base Record Value |
Name Entry ID No. 19778104 | Full Name JINKER,NICKNAME | Last Name JINKER | First Name NICKNAME |
Type Code Supplemental Value |
Name Entry ID No. 19778105 | Full Name GENTRY,PRENTICE | Last Name GENTRY | First Name PRENTICE |
Type Code Supplemental Value |
DOB ID No. 6838129 | Date of Birth Jun 18 1913 | Type Code Supplemental Value |
DOB ID No. 6838130 | Date of Birth Jun 18 1933 | Type Code Base Record Value |
Individual ID No. 6428467 | DPS ID No. 01568335 |
TRN ID No. 1742500 | Date of Arrest Jul 19 1991 | Sequence Code A | Tracking Incident Number |
TRS ID No. 1911465 | TRS/TRN ID *001 |
Date of Offense | Agency ID | Internal Agency Person Number 0700000 | Arrest Offense (Numeric) 54040009 |
Action Related to Offense none found | Level and Degree of Offense none found | Date of Disposition Immediate to Arrest | Arrest Disposition none found |
Prosecutor ORI Referred To none found | Arrest Offense Literal | Arrest Disposition Literal | Agency Case Number |
Domestic Violence Involved |
Offense Code 54040009 | Offense Description DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS B | Statute Citation of Disposed Offense 49.04 |
Statute Code PC |
Agency COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE WAXAHACHIE | Prosecutor Action Filed Prosecutor accepts the charge | Prosecutor Offense Code 54040009 | Date of Activity by Prosecutor |
Level and Degree of Prosecuted Offense M* | Title of Offense Prosecuted | Action Related to Offense none found | Domestic Violence Involved |
Prosecution ID 97350 | TRS ID 1911465 |
Offense Code 54040009 | Offense Description DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS B | Statute Citation of Disposed Offense 49.04 |
Statute Code PC |
Court Sequence a | Agency COUNTY COURT AT LAW # 1 WAXAHACHIE | Court Offense 54040009 | Court Disposition CONVICTED |
Court Offense Literal | Action Related to Offense none found | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS UNKNOWN | Cause Number 48,024 |
Date of Sentencing Sep 18 1991 | Final Pleading No Contest | Court Provision Literal SPEND 3 DAYS CONFINEMENT IN COUNTY JAIL | Court Provision (Numeric) |
Date of Judicial Disposition Sep 18 1991 | Amount of Time Suspended by Court | Amount of Fine Suspended by Court | Court Confinement 30D |
Time on Probation 2Y | Court Fine 400 | Court Cost Imposed | Date of Appeal |
Disposition of Offender During Appeal | Final Court Decision | Agency ID CSCD | Agency Literal none found |
Sentence Concurrent/Consecutive | Domestic Violence Involved |
Offense Code 54040009 | Offense Description DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS B | Statute Citation of Disposed Offense 49.04 |
Statute Code PC |
TRS ID No. 1911466 | TRS/TRN ID *002 |
Date of Offense | Agency ID | Internal Agency Person Number | Arrest Offense (Numeric) 52030003 |
Action Related to Offense none found | Level and Degree of Offense none found | Date of Disposition Immediate to Arrest | Arrest Disposition none found |
Prosecutor ORI Referred To none found | Arrest Offense Literal | Arrest Disposition Literal | Agency Case Number |
Domestic Violence Involved |
Offense Code 52030003 | Offense Description UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPON | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS A | Statute Citation of Disposed Offense 46.02(a) |
Statute Code PC |
Agency COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE WAXAHACHIE | Prosecutor Action Filed Prosecutor accepts the charge | Prosecutor Offense Code 52030003 | Date of Activity by Prosecutor |
Level and Degree of Prosecuted Offense M* | Title of Offense Prosecuted | Action Related to Offense none found | Domestic Violence Involved |
Prosecution ID 97351 | TRS ID 1911466 |
Offense Code 52030003 | Offense Description UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPON | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS A | Statute Citation of Disposed Offense 46.02(a) |
Statute Code PC |
Court Sequence a | Agency COUNTY COURT AT LAW # 1 WAXAHACHIE | Court Offense 52030003 | Court Disposition CONVICTED |
Court Offense Literal | Action Related to Offense none found | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS UNKNOWN | Cause Number 48045 |
Date of Sentencing Sep 18 1991 | Final Pleading Guilty | Court Provision Literal | Court Provision (Numeric) |
Date of Judicial Disposition Sep 18 1991 | Amount of Time Suspended by Court | Amount of Fine Suspended by Court | Court Confinement 2D |
Time on Probation | Court Fine 100 | Court Cost Imposed | Date of Appeal |
Disposition of Offender During Appeal | Final Court Decision | Agency ID TX0700000 | Agency Literal ELLIS CO SO WAXAHACHIE |
Sentence Concurrent/Consecutive | Domestic Violence Involved |
Offense Code 52030003 | Offense Description UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPON | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS A | Statute Citation of Disposed Offense 46.02(a) |
Statute Code PC |
TRN ID No. 1742501 | Date of Arrest Feb 20 1970 | Sequence Code A | Tracking Incident Number |
TRS ID No. 1911464 | TRS/TRN ID *001 |
Date of Offense | Agency ID | Internal Agency Person Number | Arrest Offense (Numeric) 54040009 |
Action Related to Offense none found | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS UNKNOWN | Date of Disposition Immediate to Arrest | Arrest Disposition TRANSFERRED TO COUNTY |
Prosecutor ORI Referred To none found | Arrest Offense Literal | Arrest Disposition Literal | Agency Case Number |
Domestic Violence Involved |
Offense Code 54040009 | Offense Description DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS B | Statute Citation of Disposed Offense 49.04 |
Statute Code PC |
Agency CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEYS OFFICE DALLAS | Prosecutor Action Filed Prosecutor accepts the charge | Prosecutor Offense Code 54040009 | Date of Activity by Prosecutor |
Level and Degree of Prosecuted Offense M* | Title of Offense Prosecuted | Action Related to Offense none found | Domestic Violence Involved |
Prosecution ID 97352 | TRS ID 1911464 |
Offense Code 54040009 | Offense Description DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS B | Statute Citation of Disposed Offense 49.04 |
Statute Code PC |
Court Sequence a | Agency COUNTY COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS NO 1 DALLAS | Court Offense 54040009 | Court Disposition CONVICTED |
Court Offense Literal | Action Related to Offense none found | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS UNKNOWN | Cause Number CCR70-3436-D |
Date of Sentencing Aug 13 1970 | Final Pleading Unreported/Unknown | Court Provision Literal | Court Provision (Numeric) |
Date of Judicial Disposition Aug 13 1970 | Amount of Time Suspended by Court | Amount of Fine Suspended by Court | Court Confinement 30D |
Time on Probation 2Y | Court Fine 125 | Court Cost Imposed 45 | Date of Appeal |
Disposition of Offender During Appeal | Final Court Decision | Agency ID CSCD | Agency Literal none found |
Sentence Concurrent/Consecutive | Domestic Violence Involved |
Offense Code 54040009 | Offense Description DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED | Level and Degree of Offense MISDEMEANOR - CLASS B | Statute Citation of Disposed Offense 49.04 |
Statute Code PC |